Are you popular? - Stran 1

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Which statement do you agree with?


Which conversation topic is your favourite in the workplace?


A colleague criticizes you loudly in front of others. You answer him:


You treated your colleague quite inappropriately. You see, she is offended. How will you apologize to her?


People who smile often ...


Can you laugh at your own expense?


Have you ever been jealous of anyone at work?


In the cafeteria, a colleague accidentally stepped on your foot. Your comment:



  • Group A: 8 - 14 points
  • Group B: 15 - 17 points
  • Group C: 18 - 24 points


You have reached points.


You enjoy the unquestionable sympathies of your colleagues at work without being overly kind and attentive. You act confident but not haughty. You are humble and willing to help without submitting yourself or neglecting of your own needs. You like listening to colleagues who have problems and because of your discretion, the people around you trust you. So don't be surprised that your colleagues at the workplace appreciate and respect you and that you are among the most popular colleagues.


  • Group A: 8 - 14 points
  • Group B: 15 - 17 points
  • Group C: 18 - 24 points


You have reached points.


Although you know how to be kind and polite, you are not very popular among your colleagues. Your determination and self-will are too tiring for many. At the same time, you are calculating and always put your own interests first without trying to experience others. You inadvertently give your colleagues the feeling of being more important and capable than them. With a little more team spirit and sensitivity, you will undoubtedly elicit more sympathy and affection of your colleagues.


  • Group A: 8 - 14 points
  • Group B: 15 - 17 points
  • Group C: 18 - 24 points


You have reached points.


You enjoy a certain reputation at work and are respected and valued by your colleagues. But you cannot say you are generally popular. Sometimes your colleagues are very nice to you, but the next day they will completely ignore you. The reason for this behaviour is actually the fluctuation of your mood: when you are in a good mood, you are able to "infect" the whole team with your optimism, but when you have a bad day, you are spreading negative vibrations that affect the mood of others. Try to maintain a positive attitude and correct regard for colleagues, even when you are not in the best mood.


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