Select your favourite fruit
Vertical layout
Horizontal layout - alongside question text
Choose a fruit group
Select a fruit group
Horizontal layout
Please enter your ZIP code:
(e.g. 94305)
Select your gender:
(Male = 1, Female = 2)
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1.3.1 Questions with ordinal measurement: radio buttons
Alternative names:
Layout example of frequentness
How often do you eat fruits?
Frequencies of event: general/commonly used scale vs. content specific/natural scale
Please indicate how often you currently visit the cinema?
Genera/commonly used scale
Content specific/natural scale
Layout example of rating scale
To what extend do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "Fruits are tastier than vegetables"?
Rating scale variations: verbal/numeric
To what extend do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "Fruits are better than vegetables"?
Verbal layout
Numeric layout
Combined verbal and numeric layout
Labelled end-points layout
Rating scale variations: layout variations
Rating scale variations: number of points - layout variations
How interested are you into healthy diet?
3-point scale layout
4-point scale layout
5-point scale layout
How satisfied are you with your last meal?
7-point scale layout
9-point scale layout
10-point scale layout
How important is exercise to you?
11-point scale layout
Rating scale variations: negative/positive values
How does your last meal compare to other meals you had before?
Rating scale variations : unipolar/bipolar concept
Unipolar concept layout
I like going to Chinese restaurants
Bipolar concept layout
Rating scale variations : general/commonly used scale vs. content specific/natural scale
To what extent do you agree strongly or disagree strongly that your health is excellent?
General/commonly used scale
How would you rate your health?
Rating scale variations: nonsubstantive answer option layouts
Rating scale variations: even/odd number of points
Even number of points
Odd number of points
One against another layout (when two options are offered horizontally)
Which kind of potato recipe do you prefer more?
Semantic differential - layout variations
How would you describe yourself?
Labelled layout
Numbered layout
Numbered layout with negative and positive values
Labelled end-point options
Stapel scale (unipolar vertically oriented scale, with a middle point)
How does 'delicious' describe apples?