Select your favourite fruit
Vertical layout
Horizontal layout - alongside question text
Choose a fruit group
Select a fruit group
Horizontal layout
Please enter your ZIP code:
(e.g. 94305)
Select your gender:
(Male = 1, Female = 2)
How often do you eat fruits? Enter the appropriate number: 1 - Once a week or more; 2 - A few times a month; 3 - Once a month; 4 - A few times a year; 5 - Less frequently than that.
Input a school grade (1-5)
To what extend do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "Fruits are tastier than vegetables"? Enter the appropriate number: 1 - Strongly disagree; 2 - Disagree; 3 - Neither agree nor disagree; 4 - Agree; 5 - Strongly agree.
Please enter your age in years
(e.g. 26)
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1.4.4 Questions with interval and ratio measurement: Continuous scale
Alternative names:
Continuous scale (slider bar) - layout variations
Choose a value between 1 and 100
Scale without slider handle
Click and write question text
Numeric labels for center pips
Center pips
Slider steps (5)
End-point numeric labels (values)
End-point discriptive labels
Semantic differential - layout variations
How would you describe yourself?