Select your favourite fruit
Vertical layout
Horizontal layout - alongside question text
Choose a fruit group
Select a fruit group
Horizontal layout
Please enter your ZIP code:
(e.g. 94305)
Select your gender:
(Male = 1, Female = 2)
How often do you eat fruits? Enter the appropriate number: 1 - Once a week or more; 2 - A few times a month; 3 - Once a month; 4 - A few times a year; 5 - Less frequently than that.
Input a school grade (1-5)
To what extend do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "Fruits are tastier than vegetables"? Enter the appropriate number: 1 - Strongly disagree; 2 - Disagree; 3 - Neither agree nor disagree; 4 - Agree; 5 - Strongly agree.
Please enter your age in years
(e.g. 26)
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2.1.1 Simple tables (grid questions) - open-ended response format:
Tables of open-ended text entries
Alternative names:
One-dimensional table (series, array) - layout variations
Please specify your name, family name and address
Two-dimensional table of text entries - alter-wise layout
Please specify names, family names and address for your household members
Two-dimensional table of text entries - item-wise layout
An alternative layout with series of single questions
Please specify your name, family name and address (Parent 1)
Please specify your name, family name and address (Parent 2)
Please specify your name, family name and address (First child)
Please specify your name, family name and address (Second child)
Please specify your name, family name and address (Third child)