Sending Emails via 1KA's SMTP Email System on the User's Server or Email Address (e.g. Gmail)

This is in regards to sending emails where the recipient receives an invitation with a generic or individualized URL, which allows individualization of invitations (e.g. first and last name) and tracking of who has replied, as well as potentially selective sending of emails (e.g. a third reminder is only sent to non-respondents). In general, this approach is discouraged unless it is really necessary; a two-email setup is recommended, where individualization is not necessary.

When sending invitations via the 1KA system, you must first enable the system in the 'PUBLISH' – 'Invitations' tab by clicking on the 'Enable 1KA system for invitations' button, in 'Settings' tab (in the right corner), you have general invitations settings. You can specify the method of sending (email or code generation). Here you also find server settings. By default, the setting "Send via 1KA server (default)" is selected. However, you can set your own SMTP mail server settings. In the case of your own installation on the 1KA server, it is possible to set default server settings. When using your own SMTP server settings, it is a combination of the 1KA system (which allows tracking) and the user's email account. The latter can refer to general email service providers (Gmail, Yahoo, Microsoft, Arnes, Siol, etc.) or a specific user's (company's) email server, which is also listed as the sender when sending the invitation. You can also change the tracking settings - whether it is enabled and code entry. Individualized invitations allow tracking of respondents via an individual code or password. The survey URL includes an individualized code, and the respondent only needs to click on the URL or manually enter the provided generated code. You can also enter the survey without entering a code.


SMTP settings for the user's own mail server

The process is the same as for Gmail, except that you need to enter the specific technical characteristics of the server in question. The SMTP settings to be entered are:

  • The first 5 fields 'Sender's name', 'Sender's email' 'Reply-to', 'Username' and 'Password' are filled in similarly to using Gmail, except that you do not need to create a password separately.
  • For the 'Authentication' setting, always select 'Yes' unless the server you are setting up does not require a password.
  • Set the 'Encryption', 'Port' and 'Host' options according to your email provider's technical instructions. In case you do not know these settings, please consult your system administrator as they depend on the individual mail server.
  • Once all options are set, select 'Test settings' to have 1KA send a test message to your email. If the testing is successful, then save the settings.

For successful sending, any SMTP server must be configured in accordance with the standard recommendations in this field (e.g. correct authentication, server name, DNS, etc.), which is the responsibility of the SMTP server's system administrators. In case of problems with the settings, you are advised to first check their accuracy with your technical support service. In case of further problems, please consult our customer support. Complex cases require that the server's technical support members are also involved in the communication. An example could be one of the Slovenian operators where their server did not correctly identify the server via reverse DNS and a specific solution had to be developed (in cooperation with the system administrators).

The speed of sending email invitations depends on the server, in some cases it takes up to one hour to send 1000 invitations.

Note: If you are sending invitations for 1KA surveys via SMTP settings for Gmail, you need to turn on the "Enable less secure applications" option in the privacy settings (Account - Security - Access for less secure applications) and activate the code. More >> Gmail also often changes and updates their privacy and security options, so make sure you check the current instructions for sending messages via their platform before using it.


1KA email system server on the domain

The option to use the professional 1KA email server is only available to users by special arrangement.

In this option, you send your invitations via the 1KA server where 1KA is the sender ( or The 'Reply to' field contains the email address with which you are logged in to the 1KA tool by default, but you can also change it. Sending email invitations via the 1KA server is very fast, it only takes about a minute for some 1000 invitations.

1KA email system server on the domain

If you want to activate the use of the 1KA system for sending invitations, you need to enable the system in the 'PUBLISH' - 'Invitations' tab by clicking on the 'Enable 1KA  system for invitations' button. The tab 'PUBLISH' - 'Invitations' - 'New invitation' - 'Creating new email invitation' opens.

In the 'Settings' tab you can edit the invitation settings such as: sending method (email or code generation), server (1KA Arnes or your own server), status tracking (respondent tracking, individualized codes) and you can access to respondent access settings. More >>

1KA email server in case of private installations

In case of a custom installation (either on the 1KA server or on the user's own server), it is also possible to set the default custom SMTP settings of the mail server. This way, it is not necessary to configure the mail server separately for each survey, as the default settings of the mail server are available.

The functionality is available for users of the 3KA package for individuals, and for users of the business packages for groups.


1KA is free to use for basic users