Terms of use should be distinguished from the terms and conditions of 1KA use on www.1ka.si installation to which users commit at the time of registration and are a prerequisite for any form of use of 1KA on the www.1ka.si domain/server. The conditions are as follows:
- Comply with general terms required to use the service of online surveying on the 1KA website (1ka.si). Terms of use are otherwise completely normal for this type of online services; other web-based tools for web surveying use them in similar form as well. Parts of the general terms of use are Privacy policy, Cookie policy and Anti-spam policy, which users must understand and accept.
- In principle, there is no limit regarding the scope and intensity of surveys on www.1ka.si website. Users can implement any number of surveys, which can be arbitrarily large. In the case of a survey, which is expected to have more than 5,000 responses, it is necessary to notify in advance. In this case certain (exceptional) restrictions may occur from 1KA part.
- It is recommended, however, to notify in advance for a survey which is expected to have 5,000 responses. Similarly, it is recommended for beginners, in the case of complex surveys (e.g. use of input codes, mixed mode surveys …) to send a short notification and consult with 1KA helpdesk.
Terms of use of 1KA application in case of its own or independent installation of 1KA application on any server, are as follows:
- 1KA is an open source application, which takes into account the OSI GNU General Public License (GPL). With slight simplification this means that the application can be freely installed and used and also freely developed and upgraded. All software, further developed or upgraded based on existing GPL software, must also be released under the GPL license.
- In case of use of service on other sites and other servers – i.e. based on own installation – users are fully responsible for the terms of use of online survey service on the corresponding website. In this context, we recommend the same terms and conditions of use as those applicable to the 1ka.si website.