Invitation to the Web Survey Day event, 17.9.2015

The Web Survey Day, which will take place on 17 September 2015 at the Faculty of Social Sciences, is being organised for the fourth year in a row.

This year's keynote guest is Dr. Mario Callegaro (Google, London), who will be answering questions alongside an invited lecture - together with the co-authors of the book Web Survey Metohodology (Sage 2015), Dr. Katja Lozar Manfreda and Dr. Vasja Vehovar (Centre for Social Science Informatics, FDV).

The event will be structured in two parts, in the morning (10.00-10.45) Dr. Callegaro will give a lecture on The Future of Web Surveys, followed by a short presentation of the book (11.00-11.45) and an Interactive Session on Web Surveys. In the afternoon, from 12.15 pm onwards, there will be parallel workshops for 1KA users.

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