The respondent who filled out your survey can, at any time, make a request to delete, modify or inspect the collected personal and/or survey data through the form. As the survey’s author, you are responsible for completing the requested request within one month. If you do not make a request within a month, we will warn you. In the case of non-response, we reserve the right to delete the survey.
Delete data
When a respondent submits a request for the deletion of personal and survey data from a survey created with your user account, you will receive a notice with your information about the survey and the respondent requesting the deletion of data. At the same time, the request for deletion is visible in the tab 'My surveys' – 'GDPR settings' – 'Request processing'.
As the author of the survey, you have access to personal and survey data. The respondent and associated survey data from the database are deleted in the 'DATA' – 'Browse' tab above the data table, by turning on the ‘Edit’ option in the data display settings. To the left of each unit (in each row), a red circle icon (“minus” sign) appears. By clicking on the icon, you delete the entire line and therefore all the personal and survey data of the respondent.
If the survey was sent with a 1KA invitation forwarding system, the email address of the respondent should also be deleted from the list of invitees to the survey.
Change data
If the respondent makes a request to change personal or survey data, you should also edit this in the 'DATA' – 'Browse' tab. On the 'Edit' option in the data view settings, a pencil icon is displayed at the left of each unit, where you can edit, modify or delete individual personal information of survey data.
Data insights
In the case of a request for access to the collected personal and survey data, the 'Print' option must be enabled in the data display settings in the 'DATA' – 'Browse' tab. Left to each unit, two icons are displayed to display all the responses of the respondent in PDF and Word format. Clicking on the icon opens the printout file in the selected format, which you can forward to the respondent who submitted the request to print.
Some of the functionalities described are only available for users of the 2KA and 3KA packages for individuals, and for users of the business packages for groups.