Creating Respondent Groups

If you want to analyse specific groups of respondents but do not want to ask questions to identify them, you can create groups before you send out the survey. For example: if you want to distinguish between companies or their employees, create a group for each company (company A, company B, company C).

You can create groups in two ways:

  • 'EDIT' – 'Settings' – 'Respondent access' – 'Access with password': In the 'Access with password' you can create your own password for each group. This will create a new variable 'Password' that has the password categories (example: company A has the  password ***1, company B has the password ***2, etc.). 
  • 'EDIT' – 'Settings' – 'Groups': With this functionality, you can also create as many groups of respondents as you like, except that each group is given its own URL, which you pass on to a specific group (example: each company gets its own URL for the survey).

Data from all groups is recorded in a single database, and a new variable is created within the database for the groups, which can be used to identify them in the analysis. Both group functionalities work in a similar way to languages. One of the advantages is that you can also set conditions according to the groups within the questionnaire, so you can set which question is shown to which group. Similarly to languages, you can also use groups in conditions. The variables 'group' and 'password' are available in the condition setup dialog, but only if at least 2 groups of respondents are defined in the questionnaire.

The functionality is available for users of the 2KA and 3KA packages for individuals, and for users of the business packages for groups.

1KA is free to use for basic users