The Loop functionality allows you to repeat a question based on the answers to a previous question. This can also be done with conditions, but it would be considerably more complicated and time-consuming.

For example: you want to know which fruit the respondent has ever eaten (e.g. Q1) and how much they like to eat it (e.g. Q2). If they select more than one option in (Q1), you should ask them that follow up question for each fruit selected in (Q2). Once you have created both questions in the EDIT’ – ‘Questionnaire tab, the procedure for the loop is as follows:

  • In the set of all question types, under 'Advanced options', click on 'Loop'. This adds a loop to the questionnaire, which is marked 'LOOP' and 'ENDLOOP' at the beginning and end of the loop.
  • In the 'Loop for' dropdown, you select the first question (Q1), i.e. which fruit the respondent has ever eaten.
  • 1KA selects all possible answers by default, which means that the loop will be valid for all options of the question, if of course the respondent chooses them. In this case, leave it as it is.
  • On the right hand side of the loop settings window you can click on the 'Advanced' link where additional options are available. Here, for each possible answer to Q1, you can set in which cases the question will also appear in the loop: when the options are selected, when the options are not selected, always or never. In this case, leave the default option 'Selected' everywhere.
  • At the bottom of the loop window, you can also set a maximum number of total repetitions; so the loop does not have to be repeated for every answer. In this case, we leave the default option 'All'.
  • In the right side menu 'Loop settings', click on the 'Close' button.
  • Then move the second question (Q2) into the loop (before the 'ENDLOOP' label).
  • The loop is now correctly set.

For the text of question Q2, you can use the datapiping function to pass the value that the respondent has selected in question Q1 (e.g. 'How do you like to eat #Q1#?'). In this case, 'How do you like to eat kiwifruit' will be displayed if the respondent selected this option in the first question.

The functionality is available for users of the 3KA package for individuals, and for users of the business packages for groups.

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1KA is free to use for basic users