The 'Categories - Single answer', 'Categories – Multiple answers', 'Classic table – Single answer table' and 'Classic table – Multiple answer table' question types enable the use of a drag and drop question set up. When editing questions, drag and drop can be chosen as a layout in the right side question settings, in the 'Basic' tab.
Drag and drop in the 'Categories – Single answer' question type
The respondent answers the question by double-clicking on the answer, moving or dragging the answer from the left column to the right column and dropping it there. For a single answer category question, only one answer can be dragged into the right-hand column. If the respondent drags another answer into the right column, it will be replaced. The respondent can also move the answer from the right column back to the left column.
Drag and drop in the 'Categories – Multiple answers' question type
The respondent answers the question by dragging the answers from the left column to the right column with the mouse and dropping or double-clicking on the answer. For a multiple-choice question, multiple answers can be dragged into the right-hand column. The respondent can also move the answer from the right column back to the left column.
Drag and drop in the 'Table - Single answer' question type
The respondent answers the question by dragging the answer from the left column with the mouse to the corresponding category on the right. Multiple answers can be dragged into a category on the right. The respondent can also move the answer from the right column back to the left column. They can transfer answers from one category to another.
Drag and drop in the 'Table - Multiple answers' question type
The respondent answers the question by dragging the answer from the left column with the mouse to the corresponding category on the right. In doing so, the same answer can be dragged into several different categories. Multiple answers can be dragged into a single category on the right-hand side. If the respondent wishes to remove an answer from the category on the right, they can do so by double-clicking on the answer.
When using the drag-and-drop layout for tables (single answer and multiple answers), you can specify the format for displaying the answers as frames (default) or boxes.
Example of a survey with a drag and drop question >>